I'm dragging my FEET on this zine, I tell you what. Makes no sense as it’s easily the project I’m most interested in. Guess I’m just scared. Scared to take that first step. Scared to share so much personal stuff. I’m used to sharing art, music, radio. I’m still warming up to the personal stories thing. Publicly, anyway.
In real life, I do it all the time. Makes people uncomfortable. They don’t like to see your face when you’re oversharing, I guess. So it’s the poker face in public. No, no… Don’t worry, sir, or madam, I will remain a stranger to YOU. No worries. But tune in to my radio series, or pick up my zine, in private, if you like.
In spite of that last sentence, there is nothing really all that private forthcoming. I don’t think of it that way. It’s just stories and thoughts and words on paper. If it’s actually private, I clearly have the ability to NOT share... It's remained unpublished so far, hasn’t it?

Here’s an example of the kind of journal comics I like. I don’t think this guy claimed it was from his real journal (and his name’s not Jim), but it was marketed as one, and that’s how I read it. I’d be real surprised if the entries weren’t based on the author’s everyday experiences. Some other favorites are John Porcellino, Gabrielle Bell, Ayun Halliday and Ben Snakepit.
I’ve got bookshelves full of theirs and many, many other’s autobiographical output. Slices of life, from down to earth people. Very little pretense, just reflections on life. Honestly, the less consequential the better. You had a baby? Ok. You stubbed your toe on the leg of the kitchen table? Oh? Tell me more!
Sometimes it feels like there’s more there, than in tales of great, important events. I’ve read those, too. I prefer the sound, the fury AND the nothing signified. I’ve been keeping a journal since I was a little kid. Trust me. Many words. Lots of intensity. Nothing significant. Its fine. It’s a beautiful thing.
So I should quit this blog post and get back to it, I guess. It’s nearly ready to go, too. Just dragging my feet. Suddenly every other project feels SO important… so distracting. What was I doing again... ?